At UBM Group, we have excellent personal and business relations with our partners. The questions that come up in our conversations with them include “what is worth investing in” and “how do I know that an investment will serve me in the long term”. Transparency and input from our partners are important to us, which is why we have decided to publish a blog for our investors, where UBM Group owners and senior colleagues will be happy to share their thoughts on their experiences in the world of investments. This time in our “5 questions, 5 answers” column, László Bustyaházai answers the questions.
1. UBM Investment Relations: How do you see the investment opportunities in the agricultural sector, what are the current investment opportunities in agriculture?
László Bustyaházai: Change is constant, and you have to adapt to it. It is no different in agriculture. The food industry will continue to be a strategic sector, so our main task and goal is to adapt as quickly as possible to changing market conditions with inevitable aspects such as research and development supporting development, analysis of market trends and consumer preferences and the development of an adaptive strategy accordingly. Alongside these principles, the food industry, and in particular the feed industry, currently offers a great deal of opportunities. The major role and value of agriculture became clear in the aftermath of the pandemic and the grain supply crisis caused by the war. Based on all of this, I believe that agricultural investments will continue to have a role in a consciously designed investment portfolio in the future.
2. As a shareholder in the UBM Group, why do you think it is worth considering UBM shares?
L.B.: In many ways, I believe the challenges of the past period have posed a huge challenge on all businesses, including UBM. Despite the global economic trends, rising energy prices and inflation, which has been on the rise for some time, UBM had its best half-year in almost three decades. This achievement is the result of a transparent, adaptive and innovative strategy developed over the years by the company’s highly skilled management and staff, which has enabled dynamic growth even in the difficult and often chaotic market conditions of the recent past.
We are focused on further regional expansion and increasing our operational vertical, building our future. Our key task is to train existing and new colleagues, to invite new generations into the organisation, because in planning for the future we need to focus not only on corporate strategy, production development and resource creation, but also on building the skills of our professionals who will fuel our success.
3. In your opinion, what are the most important factors that determine the value of UBM shares for investors?
L.B.: Investors are always looking at investment opportunities with a complex approach, which I believe is the right approach, as many factors must now be taken into consideration to minimise potential future risks. The growth strategy and the continuous expansion of UBM, its social responsibility, its environmental awareness, its highly qualified and unique team of experts, its innovation activities and last but not least its outstanding adaptability should certainly lead to a positive value judgement from investors.
4. If you look at your investments in a broader spectrum, what advice or principles have you received in investing that have proved most useful? Why do you consider this the most important?
L.B.: I believe it is also very important to have the proper knowledge and to keep gathering information about investments. We are still likely to have less successful decisions and losses, but we need to learn from them, draw lessons and use them to build on.
5. Can you mention your most important investment experiences and personal lessons learned that could be useful to the community of investors?
L.B.: As an active investor, I believe in long-term strategies and investments that deliver positive results also in the short run. A consciously constructed portfolio should be diversified in line with our risk appetite, as this can significantly reduce investment risks. If you don’t have the basic knowledge to do this, it’s definitely worth training yourself or contacting a specialist. Take the time and effort to understand your investment options, because without knowing them you cannot make responsible decisions in this area either. I believe the business in the agriculture.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at investors@ubm.hu.